We want to be completely transparent.
And also show that we walk the talk. We use the goal buddy system not only to achieve our personal goals but also to build this website and complete the whole project.
So here we will list our future goals.
This is an initial draft list. Check this page for regular updates:
Our vision goal includes:
Create a GoalBuddy App
Write the GoalBuddy Book
Help 1,000,000 people reach their goals
GoalBuddy workshops by GoalBuddy coaches
Our actions goals for this quarter are:
Sign contract with UX Designers (for mobile app) and organize weekly meetings.
Desired result: Goalbuddy app prototype
Add attractive signup forms accross GB website.
Desired result: 2% convertion rate. Build email list of achievers. Support/remind people per email in order stay on track and avoid goal abandonment.
Here are some of the milestones we completed:
Choose name for the website and buy domain
Find super fast hosting account. Setup speedy wordpress site.
Write the first blog article (First step is always the hardest)
Submit project to apply for funding for new organizations.
Setup Facebook Page
Setup task management system (JIRA) and documentation system (Confluence)
Hire proffesional designer to create the Goal Buddy logo
Publish 6 blog posts with valuable tips min. 1,000 words long
Setup email newsletter
Last update: 06.2017
Next update: 07.2017